First Lutheran Beach

First Lutheran Church is located at 226 2nd Avenue SE in Beach, North Dakota.

Worship service is held every Sunday at 10:30 am with fellowship to follow.

(Check our Announcements, News, &  Events page for special events or schedule changes.)

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First Lutheran Beach Council Members:

Parish Board Members:

  • Arlene Schmeling

  • Mark Egan

  • Ernie Miller

  • Ruthann Zeilsdorf


History of First Lutheran

  • The settlers struggled to survive. They were hard workers, even risk takers, striking out for homestead lands. They brought with them a strong belief in God. The majority of settlers in this region were Scandinavian or German. Some religious services were held in the homes of the Scandinavian ranchers and railroad workers. The Rev. O.J. Nordby, Sims, ND occasionally conducted them from 1885-1893. Many were held in the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Davidson in the section house. Rev. Thor Gaustad, Sims, followed Nordby. Christian S. Thorpe, a seminary student arrived in 1905 to help out. He served a territory about 600 miles long from the western border of N. D. to Missoula. This was almost the entire route of the Great Northern Railroad through the state of Montana. He was a “circuit preacher”, riding the rails. Beach was the end of the line. Beach was a very small village then. It had one saloon and two small grocery stores with not over a dozen residences. Most settlers farmed or ranched.

    The people decided they needed to organize a church. The Germans and Norwegians were worshiping together. They organized “The United Lutheran Church” on December 26, 1905 charter members were: P. C. Erickson and family, C.J. Strum and family, O.M. Olson and family, John Rorvik and family, John Anderson and family, C. H. and Mrs. Haugen. Services were first held in a school house. The first church was built of concrete blocks. Rev. C.S. Thorpe laid the corner stone on July 15, 1907.

    *From the Minutes of Yesteryears: These minutes are reprinted exactly as they appeared in the record books.

    March 25, 1907“A motion was made by O.M. Olson that we build a church 32 X 40 – 14 ft. high, to leave out basement and gallery and start foundation at once.”

    November 4, 1907“A motion was made by H. Wojahn and seconded by John Davidson that we finish the church inside, chimney, floors, seeling, furnish, paster or steel ceeling.”

    “A motion was made by C.J. Strum and seconded by O.M. Olson that Pastor Thorpe be paid twise a year. November 1st and May 1st of every year.”

    “A motion was made by O.M. Olson and seconded by John Davidson that we pay Pastor Thorpe one hundred and fifty dollars per year.”

    March 2nd, 1908: “A motion made and seconded that we postpone the steel celling in the church until later on.”

    “It was also decided that each member to put up hitching post.”

    “Motion made and seconded to build a dubble out house in rear of church, let to the Trustees to see to.”

    “Motion made and seconded that we bye a stove for $10. At once. Carried.”

    November 1912

    Trustees to have electric lights put in church.

    “Motion made and seconded we start Sunday School at once. Ed Hooverson be appointed Supt.”

    June 23, 1914

    Miss Bothne to tach one month parochial school for $40 plus board

    January 8, 1919

    T.G. Plomason to act as “Klokker” together with H. Thompson

    March 9, 1921

    Motion made and seconded to organize Y.P. League. A collection bag to be purchased.

    December 7, 1945

    “Motion Made by P.O. Peterson and seconded by Geo Richmond to begin solicitation for purchase of Bible Camp Site.”

    March 24, 1942

    “Motion by Rudy Ramstad to authorize trustees to take necessary steps to give the German Lutheran Church ½ interest in the Lutheran Cemetery. Carried.”

    December 10, 1953

    “Motion made by Les Strum and seconded by Carol Davis that this congregation be a Charter member of St. Lukes Home. Carried”

    The old church built in 1907 served well for over 40 years. More room was needed as there was only one room for SS classes and no basement for social functions. A building fund was started in 1938. By the end of 1942 it amounted to $1,305.85. Mrs. Anna Mikkelson donated 129 acres of land for the cause. The land was sold for $4,160. By March 1, 1948, the year construction started, the building fund was $21,267.81. Thorwald Thoson of Forest City, Iowa, a specialist in church architecture was employed to draw up plans and specifications. The largest single offering came in October of 1945, totaling over $4,000. In 1948 the congregation voted to raise $20,000 in addition to the funds on hand. The committee appointed to solicit the amount raised the entire $20,000 in four days. Ground breaking ceremonies for the new church were held on April 11, 1948 with excavation in June of that year. The basement walls were poured on June 29, 1948. Ole Thorson was the general contractor, and Ed Justesen the chief carpenter. Bert Palmer started laying brick and tile, but most of it was done by Casey and Ronald Jones. The plumbing was done by Olaf Thorpe of Dickinson. The heating plant was installed by H. M. Field of Glasgow, Mt. Electricians were C. J. Espeseth and Stanley Raisler. The plastering was done by Charles Allen. The completed church was expected to cost about $75,000. Considerable volunteer labor was used in all aspects of the building, contributing to $4,000 value. The cash donations contributed $60,000. The building committee: Randal Thompson, chair, Carl Davis, Treasurer, Lewis Odland, O.H. Moe, Ed Justesen, Ted Thompson, & Knute Farstveet.

    The basement was completed for use in September 1950. Laying of the corner stone and basement dedication ceremonies were held September 17, 1950, with Rev. C.S. Thorpe officiating. All worship services wand events were held in the basement that winter. The main sanctuary was completed and used for the first time Easter Sunday, March 25, 1951. Church dedication was July 29, 1951. Dr. David Stoeve, N.D. District Pres. officiated. Also taking part in the program were former pastors, A.T. Tjornhom and P. A. Gisvold. Irene Thompson arranged a festival of music. Gov. Norman Brunsdale spoke. It was a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving for members of First Lutheran Church.

Contact us.

** The Beach Lutheran Parish Council meets quarterly on the first Thursdays at 5:30 pm at First Lutheran Church in Beach.

** Beach Lutheran Parish Council is comprised of three members from each church council.

  • 226 2nd Ave SE
    PO Box 747
    Beach, ND 58621

    (701) 872-4203

  • Sonja Groll

  • Liz Franz : (406) 795-8219